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RIPTA Program of Projects

In keeping with federal requirements, RIPTA makes available to the public a “program of projects” detailing federal funding amounts available and how these funds are to be invested in transit projects. This “program of projects” is published as part of the State of Rhode Island’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Members of the public and any interested parties, including private transportation providers, local elected officials, and individuals with special transportation needs, are invited to examine the proposed program and, at designated public hearings, submit comments. TIP public hearings are coordinated by the Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning and are publicly noticed on the Secretary of State’s Open Meetings website. In preparing the final program of projects to be published in the TIP, consideration is given by RIPTA, the Division of Statewide Planning, and the State Planning Council to comments and views received through the public input process. The approved TIP, including RIPTA’s program of projects, can be viewed at the link below.

View the TIP website – State Transportation Improvement Program

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