The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will detour Route 21 (Reservoir/Garden City) effective immediately due to repaving in Garden City. RIPTA will not serve bus stops located inside Garden City. Passengers are instructed to use the bus stops located on Midway Road, located in front of the post office and behind the Corner Bakery Café. The detour will be in effect until further notice.
ROUTE 21 (Reservoir/Garden City)
Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Reservoir Avenue, left into Garden City, through to Garden City Drive, right onto Garden Court through to Midway Road, and then resume regular route to Sockanosset Cross Road.
Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Midway Road, travel through to Garden Court, left onto Garden City Drive, right onto Reservoir Avenue, and then resume regular route.
Customers can call 781-9400 for additional route information or visit