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February 12, 2018

The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) will detour seven Pawtucket-based bus routes traveling on Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm to accommodate the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Pawtucket.  Roosevelt Avenue will be closed during this time.

These following routes will pick up and drop off passengers on Goff Street along the chain link fence between Commerce and Pine Streets (just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).  These buses will not stop at the Pawtucket Transit Center between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm on March 3RD.  

The following routes will detour from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm on March 3, 2018:

Routes 1, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78, and the R-Line.

Detours are as follows:

Route 1 (Eddy/Hope/Benefit):

Northbound: Trips into downtown Pawtucket will travel regular route to George Street, left onto Cedar Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.   Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just after Armando & Son’s Meat Market). Trips continuing to South Attleboro with then turn right onto Dexter Street, continue onto Park Place West through to George Street, left onto the I-95 North on-ramp, right at the Broadway Exit and then resume regular route.

Southbound leaving the train station:  Trips will travel the regular route to Broadway and Exchange Street, left onto the I-95 South on-ramp, right at Exit 27 through to Cedar Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street to the temporary bus stop.   Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just after Armando & Son’s Meat Market).

Route 71 (Broad Street):

Inbound trips will travel regular route to Broad and Goff Streets, right onto Goff Street, left onto Dexter Street, right onto Bayley Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street. Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just after Armando & Son’s Meat Market).Trips will then turn right onto Dexter Street and then resume regular route.

Inbound trips leaving Job Lot will travel the regular route to the intersection of Pawtucket Avenue and George Street, left onto George Street, left onto Cedar Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just after Armando & Son’s Meat Market).

Outbound trips will leave via Goff Street, left onto Broad Street, and then resume regular route.

Route 72 (Weeden/Central Falls):

Inbound trips will travel regular route to Goff and Dexter Streets, right onto Bayley Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).

Outbound trips will leave Goff Street via a left onto Dexter Street and then resume regular route.

Route 75 (Dexter/Lincoln Mall):

Inbound trips will travel the regular route to Dexter and Goff Streets, right onto Bayley Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).

Outbound trips will leave Goff Street via a left onto Dexter Street and then resume regular route.

Route 76 (Central Avenue):

Inbound trips will travel regular route to Central Street, left onto York Avenue, right onto Division Street, right onto George Street, left onto Cedar Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).

Outbound trips will leave via Goff Street, right onto Dexter Street through to Park Place West, left onto Division Street, left onto York Avenue, right onto Central Avenue and then resume regular route.  Trips will not service Stop & Shop. 

Route 78 (Beverage Hill):

Inbound trips will leave Goff Street via a right onto Dexter Street, travel through to Park Place, left onto Division Street, right onto School Street and then resume regular route. 

Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Prospect and Division Streets, left onto Division Street, right onto George Street, left onto Cedar Street, right onto Pine Street, and then right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).

R-Line (Broad/North Main) – Trips via Main Street:

Inbound trips will leave Goff Street via a right onto Dexter Street, and then resume regular route.

Outbound trips will travel the regular route to Goff Street and then turn right onto Goff Street.  Passengers will board and alight during this time on Goff Street between Commerce and Pine Streets (along the chain link fence just afterArmando & Son’s Meat Market).

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