The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) announced today that Route 67 (Bellevue/Mansions/Salve Regina) trolley service will operate on a detour on Sunday, May 18, 2014 to accommodate Salve Regina University’s Commencement Ceremony. All inbound and outbound trips on Route 67 will travel straight on Bellevue Avenue from 9 am to 2 pm.
Route 67 will not serve the regular trolley stop at Ruggles and Ochre Point Avenues for the duration of the detour. Customers traveling to and from Salve Regina University may board Route 67 trolleys on Bellevue Avenue between Narragansett and Ruggles Avenues. Route 67 trolleys will make courtesy stops along this section of Bellevue for the duration of the detour.
Customers can call 781-9400 for additional information or visit